Identifying the Self
Be available for yourself. In the modern era there is no such thing as free time. Modern life is a fast-paced information overload. Think of how many times a day we are interfacing with a screen. That time adds up to hours, those hours distract us from ourselves. Make some time just for you. Give yourself some space for your consciousness to come forward.
Set aside a few minutes every day to reflect on your day. Look for the patterns in your thoughts. Personal growth begins with recognizing that a change is necessary. One of the best ways to reach that conclusion on your own is to practice daily self-reflection. Focusing on the self can feel difficult, at times even uncomfortable. This is normal, being completely conscious takes practice. Be patient with yourself, it took most of us years of suffering to get where we are today. In time the work will be far easier than the suffering. Give yourself the time and the space; the insights you are looking for will come.
Be mindful, pay attention to yourself. Listen to your body, listen to the world around you. Stay in the moment, this is where you are, the trouble of the past and the uncertainty of the future are not here now. Only allow the emotions that are true to this moment. This is the time to sit with your higher self. Allow the true you to be. Immerse yourself into whatever you are doing by being truly present. Focus on the task at hand instead of allowing your mind to aimlessly wander. Pay attention to the situations that present themselves to you. Look for the things that distract you from being present with yourself. How are your mind and body reacting to situations?
etermine what you want to accomplish (what are your goals)
Concentrate for prolonged periods of time (allow your thoughts to naturally occur without judgement)
Allow your consciousness to be present (be aware of your feelings and where they come from)
Look for direct feedback on your true self (listen what others have to say about the real you)
Recognize and maintain a balance between your own abilities and the challenge/task at hand (use what practice works for you)
Maintain personal control over all situations you face (take in the information that is relevant and respond)
Find a sense of reward and purpose from the activity at hand (look for the lessons)
Become completely absorbed in the activity at hand (be present)
Face your shadow, embrace it. In the shadows are the answers. The answers are inside you, where they have always been. Work with your shadow, it is a valid part of you. The body remembers, follow your feelings to find the root cause of your suffering. The shadow provides contrast to recognize the depths of your consciousness. Honor that part of you, see the way your shadow made you into a survivor. also recognize that to thrive you must truly integrate the shadow self with your higher self.